Sunday, December 19, 2010
Knowledge Born
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Party Bus to the Belly Up - Jan 7th
We are playing 2nd of three bands and could not be more stoked. Pick up your ticket and admission on the bus through the paypal link below. This bus is filling up fast so don't wait till the last minute and find yourself driving alone...
Friday, December 10, 2010
Last Music Success in nine weeks Blog Post
A look back at 9 weeks:
- Came up with my pitch that I am stoaked on and is on my banner above
- Branded my social media and websites for uniform design and message
- Tripled the size of my mailing list
- Established a quality Newsletter
- Started a weekly giveaway of a brand new song made exclusive only to my mailing list
- Recorded 15 songs from start to finish that will all eventually be released to my mailing list and they will vote on which ones will be on my next album
- Gave an in depth interview on
- Received play on the "best of Itunes" podcast Coverville
- Wrote a song for a fellow artist which is in heavy radio rotation
- Collaborated with artists in Buenos Aires, Barcelona and Brooklyn
- Played over 20 shows and have many high profile gigs booked
- Secured a top dubstep producer to remix one of my tracks for my upcoming release
- Worked with a college to get a free video shoot for my band the WATCHLIST which is almost done
- Had 6 free professional photo shoots
- Created a picture bio which has received great feedback
- Started reading and interacting with 12 blogs that specific to what I have going on musically
- Completed 95% of the WATCHLIST record
- Was mentioned in Citybeat (local mag) and sent press kits out to all markets within a 3 hour drive of Ocean Beach for CD reviews.
- Placed a song in an upcoming Indie Flick
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Its the network - Verizon wasn't kidding
Networking with other working musicians is a sure fire way to book better gigs, increase your fan base and supporters and increase your overall exposure. Great marketers and bands with quickly rising success are champions of this philosophy. I think a lot of times we (musicians/bands) are threatened by other musicians for many reasons including intimidation, fear of "sharing" fans/loosing listeners or just jealousy, but the plain and simple fact is bands that work together, promote together.
I have always worked with other musicians but for some reason I kept that circle of influence to a specific area like recording. Lately I have been more conscious of working with other bands that are "doing things" and building relationships based on mutually beneficial situations. Just like bloggers or fans, you can't go seek out bands with your hand out looking for an realistic result. The best situations come from bands that can benefit from each others exposure. It's a great idea to reach out to other markets and talk to bands about gig swaps for when each other is coming through town. This may seem like common sense but trust me, it gets overlooked.
Speaking of collaboration, check out this video of the song "Da Me Un Poquito" I did with Aleko from Planeta Lem who is based out of Barcelona Spain. This track is another exclusive release to my mailing list members which can be joined through the Reverbnation widget on the left side bar. Sign up and get free exclusive demo tracks every week that will eventually be voted on by the list and the songs that receive the most votes will be further produced for my upcoming album.
Much Love
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
The Tommy Dubs Story
Check out this project I worked on with my homeboy Chris. Nice little BIO.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Building a list and staying up!
I am on so many lists and there are ones that I will open weekly and then there are ones that I ignore completely. Here are things that turn me off:
- Errors – please take the time to check before you hit send
- Spam – I want a direct connection with the lists I am involved with. If you are committed to the philosophy of 1000 true fans, there is no reason for any of your communication to look like spam. There should be no shortage of things to discuss with your mailing list members.
- S.O.S – Same Ole Shit. We have all heard it before…. By now…. WE HAVE ALL HEARD IT BEFORE! Be original, be descriptive and be concise. Please get to the point and make sure your list flows. Follow the “intro, guts and call to action” format as outlined in “Music Success in Nine Weeks”
- No offer, just asking – Always hitting me up on your email list asking me to do something is annoying. What’s in it for me? Always reward!
The biggest thing that I need to accomplish is growing my list. I have gone through my contacts on Gmail and asked their permission to add them to my band list, most said yes which increased my list instantly. I am also making sure to collect emails at every show by walking around and trading CD’s for emails. Now this next idea is something that I think is totally unique and well worth the small investment. Not only is it effective but it works in so many situations.
Go to a coffee shop with a nice looking bowl, tell the coffee shop that you want people to drop their business cards in the bowl for a chance to win a free lunch, you pay for the lunch and get to keep all the email addresses. Clearly have it stated that the email addresses will be added to your mailing list and make unsubscribe very easy to do. This can be done anywhere your demographic shops: Surfshops, Skate Shops, Music Stores, Record Stores, Art Supply Stores, Bars, etc… This technique has worked in the business world for years so it easily applies to the MUSIC BUSINESS world.
Check the video below out, It is a little highlight reel from our studio session on Friday:
Saturday, November 27, 2010
People in your neighborhood
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thankful for the Hustle
I am thankful that I have been able to spend my life creating music with beautiful friends and family and today I think about those we have all lost and those who are still with us.
It is easy to get caught up and today we unwind. FYI, the Doogie Howser MD theme song was playing in my head while I was typing.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
A Doctors Advice - Live Life
This week in the Music Success in Nine Weeks challenge is all about connecting with your fans through newsletters and such. Well, we have been hard at work adding names to the mailing list so when we send out content we will at least have an audience. I give away tons of Cd's at shows and after doing so, I ask for an email address and most people will be happy to trade it. If they don't, I swipe their drink off the table and chug it... ha ha.
Newsletters, like blogs, are very tricky because there are so many out there. Just like in songwriting, it is important to follow some guidelines when writing a newsletter to shape the content and keep the readers attention. The basic format is the personal introduction, the guts and then the call to action in which you ask your audience to do something like buy a CD, go to a show, write a review etc... to check my latest newsletter out, CLICK HERE.
I am a big fan of newsletters, but more often than not they are way overused. So many of them I send to my trash so it is my commitment to my mailing list that I will only send 2 a month.. Unless there is massive news that needs to be communicated otherwise. I am also offering exclusive merchandise, songs and early releases of music through my newsletter so if you have not signed up yet....What are you waiting for?
Living Life....
Thursday, November 18, 2010
The State of the Industry
This is why the music industry is in the best shape it has ever been in. There is a connected global audience tuned in 24/7 sharing music, videos, ideas etc.. and talent is everywhere. The playing Field is level to anyone willing to work and put time in and I think now more than ever being genuine counts. The tools and resources the independent musician has at their disposal are unreal and people that can harness all of that are beginning to make livings for themselves.
We are at a time prior to some sort of musical revolution and we have to make the most of this time. Something big is going to happen soon, because the current industry can't survive and sustain at this rate. Itunes has made it so easy for musicians to track their accounting and this scares an industry that blew up on endless recoup-able fees and crafty accounting.
I think John Lennon said it best, "I don't believe in the Beatles, I just believe in me."
Monday, November 15, 2010
Blogging - Easier than hanging fliers
I have been using multiple blog search engines to target my efforts, but wanted to discuss a specific situation.
I came across and wanted to share this with everyone. Chris is the author of this blog and their are great tips on this site as well as some great indie bands on here that Chris has come across. Chris is also the author of the EBook, "How to really get your music on the blogs" which I read and has great advice that runs parallel to this chapter in the competition. I thought a lot of Chris's ideas were in line with Ariel Publicity and it turns out he actually used to work (or intern...can't remember) for Ariel. After reading his blog, I contacted him and we are in the beginning stages of Chris taking over my social media presence. I was really impressed with his quality of writing, insight and passion for indie music. I think this is the ultimate example of what Ariel is talking about in this chapter.... I read, reached out with sincerity and then developed a mutually beneficial situation. Everyone is happy.
Also on this front, I got to write an article on my music and as I mentioned last week the podcast (audio blog) Coverville recently featured on of my songs.
The most important thing that I am taking away from this is consistency and professionalism. I have always believed that if you treat venues and booking agents with respect (Show up on time, get on and off stage quick, etc.), treat people with kindness and sincerity and just act professional you will be way ahead of 95% of the bands out there. Just by following up and taking chances this is what I have accomplished in the last few weeks:
- Free Video Shoot scheduled for next week - I asked my network of anyone that knew of production companies that did good work. It turns out someone needed a band to shoot for their school project and they chose us out of the dozens of bands because we had a vision, the material and locations all ready to go.
- I am in negotiations with a Dubstep producer who I will not name yet to remix a Tommy Dubs song for my next release.
- I have musicians in Barcelona, Buenos Aires, Brooklyn and now Arizona all singing or playing parts on tracks for my upcoming album
- I secured 50% writing credit on a song that is in heavy rotation
- I have established articles, reviews and plays on blogs
- booked high profile gigs
- Increased my mailing list daily through shows and reverbnation widgets
- Contacted an established up-n-coming blogger about spearheading my social media efforts.
Friday, November 12, 2010
This weeks Free Track
Thursday, November 11, 2010
BAILOUT!!! and Fully Fullwood
I have been working every day on my new record and have been releasing exclusive tracks on my Reverbnation Mailing List. Sign up for the mailing list and every week I upload a track to the music player that can only be downloaded by mailing list members. After I get about 20 or so tracks, I am going to have the mailing list vote on which songs I should bring down to Capricorn Studios and produce, so make sure to sign up.
Today we booked a show at the Belly Up on Nov 30th opening for the legendary Fully Fullwood band. Seismic Leveler and crew will be performing with me and this is going to be a great show. All you North County San Diego fans represent!
Yesterday I bought a new bass since I have been rocking the same one for the last 15 years or so. I got a used Fender Jazz Bass MIM and could not be more stoked with it. I got home, wrote a bassline and 1 hour later I had written a whole song called "Won't be coming home". It is basically a soulish Motown type song and that has to be a first for me. Jay from Seismic Leveler came over, recorded guitar and vocals and I do have to say it turn out pretty sick.
I figured the song needed some great horns so I got in touch with my old homie Justin Berry in Tucson Arizona. Justin is a great musician and we played together for the better part of 5 years in my old band Stucky. I just got done sending him the tracks and could not be more excited to hear what he writes. Again, being able to record with musicians all over the world from the comfort of my studio is a trip. I am going to release the demo version of the song through the mailing list this week, sans horns, so get on that list.
See you at 710 Beach Club Tomorrow night where we will be opening for High Roots and Mystic Roots.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Who's got time for it all?
The problem is, the ease of sharing songs and videos has become so easy that it seems impossible to stand out amongst the endless other artists trying to do the same thing. I have come to see consistency is king and the job of marketing through social media is never ending. Luckily some sites are making it easy to stay current with tools such as widgets. Widgets are applications that can be customized and placed all over the web and they draw their content from one source which is easily updated. has mastered this and is well on the way to being the next inclusive music site for fans and bands. I highly suggest signing up for Reverbnation.
Taking part in this blogging challenge is forcing me to stay on top of shit and I wanted to talk a little bit about what I have accomplished in the last 4 weeks. What I am most excited about is I started recording my follow up to "En Los Campos". To get fans involved with the this, I have been releasing demo versions of tracks exclusively through my mailing list. I knew that this would increase the amount of people signing up for my email list but I decided to take it one step further. My Goal is to write, record and release a new song every week until I get 15-20 songs and then let the mailing list vote on which songs I should further produce and then release on my next record. Taking it a little further I decided to give free copies of my new CD and "En Los Campos" to anyone who took part in this and voted. Pretty stoked on this.
In the last couple days I have been talking to Danny from the Cool and Deadly and Aleko from Planeta Lem about swapping tracks and collaborating. I finished a track last night that I am sending to Brooklyn for Danny to record on and tonight I finished a song that I am sending off to Barcelona for Aleko to be on. I love being able to record with people around the world through email, there is something really special about that.
Last couple of weeks I have also been lucky on the Podcast front. Cue, from the freestyledub podcast has invited me to host a couple of the next pod casts and Coverville (best of Itunes Podcast series) included my cover of Donovans "Berts Blues" on their latest podcast. Download the whole show here
It really is amazing everything you can get done when you are keeping your goals and little successes in the front of your dome.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Week 3...the Voice in my head
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Benefit Show in Encinitas Friday Night
Monday, October 25, 2010
"Oh Lord, Won't you buy me a new Genz Benz"
BUT!!!!.. I saw a used Fender Japanese P-Bass short scale with a hip shot and wanted to buy it. I have had the same Bass for 10 years and thought I was due to upgrade. Anyway, I go home to sleep on it and when i decided that I should buy it, I call the guy and ask him to put it aside and he told me he was unable to sell if for 17 DAYS. Ugh.... Who knows what I will be doing in 17 days???
Spread the word about our show at Winston's this Wednesday and we will be posting more dates by the end of the week. Also, don't forget to sign up on the mailing list. I will be releasing another song this week called "Everyone Goes" which is brand new and old available Free through the mailing list. Thank you to everyone that has been signing up so far.
See you at a show!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Week 2 - Ariel Publicity Blogging Challenge
I could have struggled on this for hours, trying to figure out the best way to sell my self and still sound "cool", but instead I figured i would get some help from my smart ass friends on Facebook. I came up with an idea, posted it on Facebook and asked for peoples ideas.
"Punky Reggae and dub influenced urban sounds. "Sounds like the Offspring of a Manu Chao, Diplo and the Clash threesome", was my first attempt and right away some errors where pointed out by my smart ass friends.
First thing is the word "sounds" appears twice and it makes the sentence to wordy, the second thing is someone could take the, "sounds like the Offspring", out of context and equate me to sounding like one of the bands I hate the most.
After some tweaking I we came up with "Punky Reggae and Dub Influenced urban sounds, the bastard son of a Diplo, Manu Chao and Clash threesome."
I am pretty happy with what I came up with and think it does a great job describing my sound.
Thank you to everyone who has been signing up on the mailing list, I hope you are enjoying the free downloads.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
New Pages
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Believe (she tell me everything)
Believe (She tell me) by Tommy DUBS
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Expand my live performances into every market within a 3 hour drive
Sellout of all of my remaining Gadfly Stock. I have boxes of Gadfly records in my garage that are Taking up valuable instrument space.
Get regional radio play
Book 1 high profile Producer gig
Sell 100 downloads a month continually
Place 1 song on TV or film
Have a mailing list totaling 1000 readers
Consistently pull 250 people to shows
According to Ariel's book only 3% of people write down their goals and actually taking the time to complete this step drastically improves your chances of attaining your goals. This, however is not the only step to be taken. It is obvious to me that consistent reminders of my goals and small steps to be taken daily are going to be the key to reaching them. Another great point that I took away is celebrate daily success's and stop beating yourself up. The book suggests writing down daily success's and then reading over them. Doing this a few times so far has really been eye opening and motivating. Well I hope you take something from these blog posts and I am really excited to look back over the next 9 weeks to see what I have accomplished.
If you feel so inclined to help, buy a CD, tweet this, subscribe to the blog, contact me via email or show up to a show.... Or show up with a million dollars and that can be a shortcut!
This video that I am posting is something I recorded today. It is an version of the song "True love will find you in the end" by Daniel Johnston and just like the last one, it includes audio from a different crazy neighbor. I live in the Warzone... OB.. Where the Ghetto Meets the Sea.. and I LOVE IT!
Monday, October 18, 2010
We Will Walk
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Ariel Publicity Blogging Challenge
A few months ago I bought her book, "Music Success in 9 weeks", which basically empowers us musicians to take our careers into our own hands. There are many principles in this book that I have not thought of and it breaks down a daily process to successful marketing. I thought the book was a good read but have not since put the principles into practice. The other day I also read her "indie Maximum Exposure Guide" which is an Epic read. This last week I have been about putting these ideas into practice.
Today, I was poking around on her site and saw the Blogging Challenge and decided I wanted to take part. The challenge is to blog about her book and my progress in implementing it's suggestions and if I win the challenge I get a free marketing campaign. I figured this was a great opportunity to further my career by following the steps in her book as well as possibly being rewarded by winning the challenge.
Over the next 9 weeks I will post weekly entries about the steps in the book, my weekly goals and what ever else i decide to include along the way.
Step 1. Get my book back from Touch of CAS....
Exclusive Free Downloads
Friday, October 15, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Drama aside, I have been recording on PC for 12 years now which means I have never paid for software and have never had a reliable setup. This is not to say that my PC system with a good working version of Protools did not do me good, but moving to Protools is a game changer. I do not like to make things hard for the sake of it and this jump to Protools and Mac has been an eye opener. I am writing/recording/mixing much quicker and I think the quality has taken leaps forward.
Here is a song I recorded last week called “Bring Fire on You”. This is either going to be on an EP or my next full length. This is a demo Version!
Bring Fire on you (Bigga Rhythm) by Tommy DUBS
Monday, October 4, 2010
Una Vida Sin Fronteras
GO LEM System was one of the bands that took part in the project:
The other band was Aztecas Tupro from Argentina who are like brothers to me. They showed my band all over Argentina while we toured there and also performed Gadfly and Stucky songs as my backing band while I lived there:
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010

"why did I just say that, I didn't mean it, I didn't mean to lead you on." - Soulcracker
I have been thinking a lot about traveling bands lately and realized how much I miss life on the road. Now let's not get confused, a tour is not a week... Or even a weekend out of town. A tour is months on the road, playing 6-7 times a week and usually waking up in a strange place without knowing how you got there. I am lucky enough to have done this right out of college, but have not since then. I don't even know if I could handle it at this age :)
Much respect to all of those who have the balls to hop in the van and support themselves through music. Imagine having to book tours without cellphones, Internet and actually having to mail cd's to get booked... Those were the days.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Cue vs. Seismic Leveler - 08-04-10 - 04
Sick song from our last Dub show. Davey rips an insane guitar solo at the end and Ivan kills the vocals
Monday, August 9, 2010
Piedra (Sin Fronteras Project. feat GoLem System, Tommy Dubs, Aztecas Tupro)
Here is a track I did with the Sin Fronteras Project with Musicians from Argentina, Spain and the States. This track is a different mix that whats on the critically acclaimed Argentina only release from Sin Fronteras Project. We are working on a second album. Let me know what you think of this. Enjoy!
Piedra by Tommy DUBS
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Pepper Remix
A little while ago Pepper put this track up to have random producers download and remix. Well, since I am pretty random, I whipped up this Dancehall Banger. A lot of bands are starting to do this and it is a great way to reach out and collaborate with a massive group of people.. Reach out and touch someone! Respect to Pepper. Let me know what you think and any bands out there that want me to work a remix, HIT ME UP HERE
Bust it! Bust it! Bust it!
The band that was playing that day was the dirtiest/funkiest band that I had ever seen. They were on stage blowing my mind effortlessly and I was particularly entranced by the guitarist/singer named Double A that would sing all of the notes he ripped on the guitar and was a great MC.
When we left the concert we blasted the tapes they gave us, one called the Boogie Shoes "Greatest Hits Volume 1" and the other was Double A's side project called "Trunk" which i lost and have searched hi and low to find again with no luck. These albums changed my life and I don't think I would be the same if I had not had the luck of being at the right place at the right time.
I would seriously recommend picking one of their records up to hear some totally original hip hop rock from the Chicago indie scene in the 90's. They put out 2 solid albums full of great songs and personality.
You can preview their record here.
I would suggest picking up "Vol 1 Greatest Hits" if you can find it, otherwise "Bust it, Bust it, Bust it!" is dope too
Sunday, August 1, 2010

Thursday August 26th is our next time there and we will be playing 2 sets with the first starting at 9:30 and we ususally wrap up around 12:30.
We will be debuting a bunch of new songs and have the usual cast of Musicians, MC's and Lurkers stopping by.
Friday, July 30, 2010
A Little Help?
We live in a fluid and ever changing society where we have come to expect everything and become suprised by nothing. The internet gives us instant information and entertainment and has opened the world up to even the most basic bedroom producer. If this is the case, why are some more successful than others? How many times have you come across someones webpage and been like "Damn... these guys are sick... how come their not huge??". It happens to me daily and its mostly because musicians like to create and not promote... but successful ones do both and empower others to help.
What I am getting at is if you have received one of my CD's at a show, or if you have streamed my entire album on this page for free, or if you just simply feel inclined to help, I ask that you pay me the honor of sharing my music with your friends. Burn copies of the CD, rip MP3's or whatever. The easiest and best way to help is to spread word of mouth on social media or going to my album "En Los Campos" on itunes and write a review. It would mean the world.
Tommy Dubs
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Humpty and Hennessy - Snake and the Apple
Years ago I played in a band called Stucky with Matt Brein who now plays with Mike Pinto. While we were on tour we had a cancellation in Sacramento and Matt somehow got us on the bill with Spearhead up in Chico. We drove to Chico, played the show and the promoter was totally stoked. From this performance he got us on a show at Ceasers in Tahoe with Digital Underground the next week.
The Ceasers show was kind of a bust, but Shock-G took a liking to the band and we forged somewhat of a friendship back then. Months later we ran into Shock in Tucson while he was animating his website holed up at the Hotel Congress. We had some drinks and decided to go to my studio and record a track. We hung out all night, wrote all the lyrics down and then Shock just flowed for about 2 hours. I never produced the song until recently and I love what came out. I sat on that thing for years.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Mike Pinto - Ballyhoo and Tommy Dubs
The next show we have is Aug 26th at Gallaghers in Ocean Beach for a Reggae Thursday event. Those of you that were at our last show at Gallaghers got to witness a packed house and a whole shitload of special guests. Basically at the end of the night we turned the mic over to just about anyone who wanted to rhyme and honestly it turned out pretty cool. Don't miss this show as I am sure more craziness will go down.
See you at a show!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Sunday, June 13, 2010
It's been awhile
On another note our show opening for the Aggrolites was a great time and we want to thank everyone who came and say what's up to all out new friends. D-Bo threw a ton of Cds out to the crowd and we had a hell of a lot of fun. Make sure to hit for all of our show dates.
In WATCHLIST news we are finishing up our debut record which we are thinking of calling "Sweet Rock This Old Train". We are happy so far with the recording and think it is going to be a great album. We have been working with Bryan Stratmam at Capricorn Studios who has worked with everyone in San Diegos music scene. Not sure when it's going to ve done but stay tuned for updates...
See you at a show

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Live at the Belly Up!

Monday, February 8, 2010
Laying on the top of the Earth
I sit here and watch you in your element.
You are beautiful, you are an artist.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Sunday, January 24, 2010
It was a dark and stormy night.....
We pull in to the Mobile station and begin to do some tests like the expert mechanics we all are. We check the oil, look under the hood, rev the engine and determine we can make it to the gig safely so we load back in and take off. As we pull out on to the street something is amiss.... NO BRAAAAAAAAAAKKKESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!
I just got the Van out of the shop that day for an unrelated unfixed issue and now this. We make it to the gig via pickup trucks and ditch the Van in Carlsbad... I go back 2 days later and get it towed... So Annoying.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Thats not Reggae.....!!??!!??!!
I did however want to address this topic as I think it is good food for thought or at least a good conversation starter.
Sublime... God bless them, God love them, but for fucks sake are we not over it yet? I can't even listen to one of the bands, if not the only band that shaped my life. I was lucky enough to see them at the Fox theater in Boulder Colorado by accident and it changed my life. Sublime was genius, they were magnetic and they were totally drunk. This powerful 3 piece followed no rules and created an entire sub culture of music. If you live in So Cal, it is not just a sub-culture but it is the culture. How could such an innovative band spawn off a nation of imitators?
Sublime dug deep, they listened to the roots of music and drew from it. Hence all of the standard rhythms that they used to create their own songs. This is part of Reggae culture and it is rooted in the necessity of poverty. The basic idea here is create one rhythm have 20 singers sing on it and the producer controls the copyright (if any copyright at all)... It is about recycling, getting the most out of everything and I guess you could consider it "green music". What I am trying to get at here is that Sublime knew and understood the culture of Reggae music and that is why they were able to stitch in and out of the genre without ever being considered a Reggae band. Where they the first to do this? no, not even close, but they are arguably one of the most successful.
This is where my annoyance comes in. The nation of followers produced hundreds of bands calling themselves and combination of the descriptors... nation, irie, dub, 'ion, massive...etc. here is an example... band name: "dub massive"... "irie nation" ..."irie dub massive"... "massive dub nation"... get the point? (disclaimer... i am not talking about any band specifically but just illustrating a point as for sure there is a band out there called "dub massive":)) The funny thing here is the lack of creativity. How could such a innovative no holds barred band spawn so many imitators. I was happy to hear Miguel from Skunk in an interview call this out and basically say that he gets tons of demos from bands wanting to be on Skunk but they are all just imitators.
So what was my turning point in attitude? Well I had this whole argument crafted about how this phenomenon of imitators is actually Babylon working. My argument circled around the fact that this is a classic example of Babylon taking culture and turning it into fashion and having the privileged profit. I mean come on... you can get lion of Judah bracelets at the mall.. and by the way... Red Gold and Green does not stand for Bob Marley. I took this argument to my boy Boomstyler and he basically shut me down and told me that this has been going on since the beginning of music and is nothing new. He cited Elvis and Jerry Lee Lewis as obvious examples and basically told me to focus on something positive.
"that's the way it is" he said.. and all the sudden it was so simple.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Really? Really? Living with Trolls an Observation and Rant
Enter the Lurker Trolls.... ughhhh, how i hate the fact that taking a simple journey down to Rite Aid can turn into this obstacle course of street kids that I avoid in fear of confrontation, disease or just annoyance. I don't care how clever you are at begging for change. "family killed by ninjas need money for Kung Fu lessons" heard it... "Why lie? I need a drink" saw that one too... "Im on the road and...." blah blah blah blah. I am not giving you money!
It would not be so bad if these people were truly just down on their luck and looking for some help to get back on track...., but this is far from reality. What we have here in Ocean Beach is travelers that come and come but almost always outwear their unwelcome, welcome. They bring crime and trouble. Hiding behind garbage cans, living under my house, digging through the trash and just sucking it up in general. Again to clarify, I am not talking about your average homeless family here... I am talking about the kids walking down the alley begging for change and staring at everyone with entitlement. The punks who stumble around drooling with glazed over eyes, filthy bare feet and a stench comparable to what I imagine a bag of dog poop left in a sauna for days smells like.
I imagine what families raising kids here think about this huge minority of the Ocean Beach population. I mean, god forbid you want to take your kids down to the seawall at anytime close to sunset... I mean this would be a good idea of you wanted to be surrounded by heroin addicts and tweakers. It really is a sad thing.
Again, I am not against homeless and i have admiration for the lives of travelers, but I hate Trolls. Trolls drink 40's under the pier, start fights and cause trouble in my lovely town. They are negative and spread negative energy in our otherwise positive lives. They make it seemingly unsafe.....
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Brings up the age old question of do we try to record exactly like we play live or to we explore his record as it's own seperate art form? I believe the latter... Recording a record can be an emotional process and it is crucial to keep the vibes positive even when recording sad or negative songs.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Making a difference one person at a time. Want to help?
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Staying Inspired - Staying Positive
Monday, January 4, 2010
Recording right now
We are in little Italy at Strat's pre-production studio taking a different approach than normal to recording a record and I am excited and curios to see the outcome... Maybe nervous as well.
I would say our approach tonight was to come in with a skeleton of a song and write and record the same night.
Look at the pod vocal booth which looks like a trailor.

Sunday, January 3, 2010
Rest - Goodness - Music
With that being said I feel a change of energy that surrounds me from negative to positive. I am a true believer in the law of attraction and 2010 is going to be a year of action for me and I will manifest my dreams into reality. I welcome this positive change and will forever embrace it.
Here is to a year of growth and consistant firsts.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone