Sunday, December 19, 2010

Knowledge Born

So Indie Rapper KB07 and I finally hooked up after a few years of initially talking about a possible collaboration. He reached out to me via a mutual friend, Ron (props!), about doing a dub version for an upcoming project of his. I was of coursed stoked and chose to remix/dub the track "Dead Willow Blues", which can be heard in its album version in the youtube clip below. KB07 is also voicing a tune over one of my beats called, "Impact Rhythm" and I will be releasing that via my mailing list so make sure you sign up at

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Party Bus to the Belly Up - Jan 7th

PARTY BUS!!!! Jan 7th to the Belly Up in Solana Beach leaving from Ocean Beach. $30 gets you a ride to and from the show, a ticket to the show and drinks on the bus.

We are playing 2nd of three bands and could not be more stoked. Pick up your ticket and admission on the bus through the paypal link below. This bus is filling up fast so don't wait till the last minute and find yourself driving alone...

Friday, December 10, 2010

Last Music Success in nine weeks Blog Post

OK so for the last 9 weeks I have been blogging weekly about the book "Music Success In Nine Weeks" in order to hopefully win a marketing campaign by Ariel Publicity. At first my intention was to win this thing and then I quickly saw how beneficial to my career following the weekly advice was. I am going to do this blog post in 2 parts: First I want to go over what I have accomplished over the last 9 weeks and Second I will address the 9th chapter of the book which is all about creating a continuum program.

A look back at 9 weeks:

  • Came up with my pitch that I am stoaked on and is on my banner above
  • Branded my social media and websites for uniform design and message
  • Tripled the size of my mailing list
  • Established a quality Newsletter
  • Started a weekly giveaway of a brand new song made exclusive only to my mailing list
  • Recorded 15 songs from start to finish that will all eventually be released to my mailing list and they will vote on which ones will be on my next album
  • Gave an in depth interview on
  • Received play on the "best of Itunes" podcast Coverville
  • Wrote a song for a fellow artist which is in heavy radio rotation
  • Collaborated with artists in Buenos Aires, Barcelona and Brooklyn
  • Played over 20 shows and have many high profile gigs booked
  • Secured a top dubstep producer to remix one of my tracks for my upcoming release
  • Worked with a college to get a free video shoot for my band the WATCHLIST which is almost done
  • Had 6 free professional photo shoots
  • Created a picture bio which has received great feedback
  • Started reading and interacting with 12 blogs that specific to what I have going on musically
  • Completed 95% of the WATCHLIST record
  • Was mentioned in Citybeat (local mag) and sent press kits out to all markets within a 3 hour drive of Ocean Beach for CD reviews.
  • Placed a song in an upcoming Indie Flick
Looking back I am proud of what I have accomplished by hustlin' and no matter what happens with this contest, I am moving forward at this pace.

Week 9: Creating a continuum program

The Ultimate goal for any musician is to be able to support themselves by doing what they love and if you look at the statistics in regards to people who actually can do this.... it is very dismal. That is why I love this book. The idea is not to get a gold record, but rather connect with a manageable amount of people who will support you in your career. When you realize you can achieve financial success by making 1000 true fans rather than 1 Million, your attitude starts to change and become more positive.

Right now I am giving away all my music, If you come to my shows you probably have seen me dumping boxes of CD's into the audience. I would rather my music be heard for free then ignored for a price. Hopefully that person I gave a disc too will listen to it, burn it for their friends and then come out to the shows... that is the goal.

Moving forward however, I will continue to build my fan base and start making things available ranging from low to high price. The idea I am most stoaked about is custom handmade merch made to order. I have been screening shirts, jackets, hoodies and other shit in my garage for years and in the near future I am going to offer this up to everyone on my mailing list. The idea is you can pick any article of clothing, any color of design and any location of screen and I will hand make them and ship them out. I don't know anyone who is doing this and I could not be more excited about it.

We are also talking about deluxe releases with video, posters, stickers and double discs that would be limited run and available in low quantities.

I hope you have enjoyed this blog series, I know its a little different to click on a bands website and see career goals and marketing tactics discussed, but it seems like everyone has enjoyed reading.

I have really learned what can be done if you put your mind to something and wanted to let all the fans know that I will be pushing forward at this pace for as long as I can. All I ask is if you enjoy my music, please share it with others that you think might as well. If you need a CD, hit me up and I'll get you one, If you want to help me... hit me up and we can figure something out and if you want to just enjoy.... do that too.

Much Love

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Its the network - Verizon wasn't kidding

Week 8 In "Music Success in Nine Weeks" is all about networking which could arguably be the most important part of DIY promotion. This chapter talks all about promotion through business cards, Social Media and face to face interactions in a way to build your fan base and mailing list. These ideas come full circle with the idea of always increasing your list/fan base, but I want to touch on another application which I have seen tremendous results from lately.

Networking with other working musicians is a sure fire way to book better gigs, increase your fan base and supporters and increase your overall exposure. Great marketers and bands with quickly rising success are champions of this philosophy. I think a lot of times we (musicians/bands) are threatened by other musicians for many reasons including intimidation, fear of "sharing" fans/loosing listeners or just jealousy, but the plain and simple fact is bands that work together, promote together.

 I have always worked with other musicians but for some reason I kept that circle of influence to a specific area like recording. Lately I have been more conscious of working with other bands that are "doing things" and building relationships based on mutually beneficial situations. Just like bloggers or fans, you can't go seek out bands with your hand out looking for an realistic result. The best situations come from bands that can benefit from each others exposure. It's a great idea to reach out to other markets and talk to bands about gig swaps for when each other is coming through town. This may seem like common sense but trust me, it gets overlooked.

Speaking of collaboration, check out this video of the song "Da Me Un Poquito" I did with Aleko from Planeta Lem who is based out of Barcelona Spain. This track is another exclusive release to my mailing list members which can be joined through the Reverbnation widget on the left side bar. Sign up and get free exclusive demo tracks every week that will eventually be voted on by the list and the songs that receive the most votes will be further produced for my upcoming album.

Much Love

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Tommy Dubs Story

Check out this project I worked on with my homeboy Chris. Nice little BIO.