Friday, July 30, 2010

A Little Help?

If you have been to one of my concerts you have probably witnessed either someone from Seismic Leveler, one of our guest MC's or myself throwing thousands of dollars worth of CD's into the crowd for free and most likely you had gotten into that show for free. I would rather spread the music around that we make than try to hustle a dollar to sell it. We live in an age where a critical mass makes the difference between being silent and being heard and more interesting is how often we have the chance to be a part of that critical mass.

We live in a fluid and ever changing society where we have come to expect everything and become suprised by nothing. The internet gives us instant information and entertainment and has opened the world up to even the most basic bedroom producer. If this is the case, why are some more successful than others? How many times have you come across someones webpage and been like "Damn... these guys are sick... how come their not huge??". It happens to me daily and its mostly because musicians like to create and not promote... but successful ones do both and empower others to help.

What I am getting at is if you have received one of my CD's at a show, or if you have streamed my entire album on this page for free, or if you just simply feel inclined to help, I ask that you pay me the honor of sharing my music with your friends. Burn copies of the CD, rip MP3's or whatever. The easiest and best way to help is to spread word of mouth on social media or going to my album "En Los Campos" on itunes and write a review. It would mean the world.

Tommy Dubs

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Humpty and Hennessy - Snake and the Apple

"En Los Campos", my solo release, is full of suprise guests but none that has momre noteraity than Shock-G (Humpty Hump) from Digital Underground. I debuted the song years ago on and most people thought the Shock-G and Humpty tracks were samples that I jacked from somewhere. I can assure you those vocals are 100% legit.

Years ago I played in a band called Stucky with Matt Brein who now plays with Mike Pinto. While we were on tour we had a cancellation in Sacramento and Matt somehow got us on the bill with Spearhead up in Chico. We drove to Chico, played the show and the promoter was totally stoked. From this performance he got us on a show at Ceasers in Tahoe with Digital Underground the next week.

The Ceasers show was kind of a bust, but Shock-G took a liking to the band and we forged somewhat of a friendship back then. Months later we ran into Shock in Tucson while he was animating his website holed up at the Hotel Congress. We had some drinks and decided to go to my studio and record a track. We hung out all night, wrote all the lyrics down and then Shock just flowed for about 2 hours. I never produced the song until recently and I love what came out. I sat on that thing for years.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mike Pinto - Ballyhoo and Tommy Dubs

Thank you to everyone who came out to this show I was really suprised how packed Winstons was by the time we began to play. It really made for an awesome set and a good start to the night. I really enjoyed both Ballyhoo and Pinto and had a fun time sitting in with Mike and the boys even though my clumbsy ass unplugged the bass amp and spilled 2 beers while on stage. Thats what you get for inviting me up after I have been drinking :

The next show we have is Aug 26th at Gallaghers in Ocean Beach for a Reggae Thursday event. Those of you that were at our last show at Gallaghers got to witness a packed house and a whole shitload of special guests. Basically at the end of the night we turned the mic over to just about anyone who wanted to rhyme and honestly it turned out pretty cool. Don't miss this show as I am sure more craziness will go down.

See you at a show!